BUSD-HOPR on Pancakeswap

I offer a pair of BUSD-HOPR on BSC, few people use the rest of the dex


You want to transfer all liquidity to Pancakeswap? Maybe you also have some much appreciated thoughts on my proposal which also includes Pancakeswap: Split evenly to 4 DEXs on 3 chains (Uni, Sushi, Honey, Pancake)

No,50% on Pancakeswap

I do not understand you. The rest 50% where?

50% is a bit much… when eth fees let up bsc will loose a lot of traffic.

You are right. it could be a maximum 10% to 15%. We already have xDaiChain and Ethereum. And the project can use other blockchains as well in the future, so 50% will be not a good decision.

This is not the best solution. Some of the liquidity should be in the BSC, but not all.