DAI proposal: contests for usual non-crypto people

Make contests for usual non-crypto people.

Every project needs more recognition, more participators, more holders to grow ecosystem and community.

One of the ways - is to make contests with prizes.
Make the main message like this: "Make the future of Internet with Privacy as a main feature with HOPR protocol. Earn money and win Prizes in same time".
One of the conditions for contests - participaters have to answer to some HOPR related questions (so they at least have to see homepage of Hopr website, read Titles etc.)
Also they have to enter wallet address xDai (optionally with at least 5 HOPR in it.).

Prizes have to be interesting for the users we need.
We need young modern people - they are interested in such prizes: Iphone 13, PS5, airPods, iPads etc.
Not bad “$100 in BTC” .
But not good: “exclusive Horp NFT”, “$100 in HOPR token” (people don’t know what is it).

To combine interesting prize with crypto-related prize - good combinations: (“iPhone 13 + $500 in BTC + $500 in HOPR”)
(“PS 5 + $100 in BTC + $100 in HOPR”) etc.

How to make such contests :

  1. Easiest way is to use special services like:
    and there are different alternatives of such services.
  2. Make custom script to make this contest on your website.
    (more difficult, but more good for brand promotion, possible to make custoom advanced conditions )
  3. Use popular “Learn and Earn” on CMC
    Earn Cryptocurrency While Learning | CoinMarketCap

How to promote such contests:

  1. Use integrated to gleam, viralsweep etc - Referal systems.
    All users will promote the contest to get more chances.
    It’s easy and free for us.
  2. Order advertisment in YT, TG chanels, FB, Twitter. Not only crypto-related.
    This way can be very expensive and not efective.
  3. Make live streems, AMA sesions on YT, TG about HOPR it’s ecosystem and plans .
    Tell about the contests on these streems.
    It’s can be free or not expensive.
  4. You can connect to some Affiliate Network
    for example
    You have to pay professional publishers some $$ for every participent. They will promote you on thiousnds of their sites and other sources of trafic.
    This way is good only if you plan to make this contest as regular for a long time. For example every month prize during 1 year.

How much:
Prizes: $5000 - $10000 for one draw. (depend on how many prizes will be).
Promotion of contests: $1000-$50000


  1. Cheap and easy variant:
    Setup Gleam (gleam.io/pricing , $100 )
    ~ 3 iPhones as prizes.
    Free promotion from referals.

  2. Expensive variant:
    Make custom contest script on the Hoprnet.org website
    Big prizes (10 Iphones, 15 PS5, XXX BTC, XXXX HOPR etc.)
    Order too much advertisment from different channels.

  3. Optimal variant ($15k$ - $20k$):

  • Setup Gleam
  • Prizes: 5 * “iPhone 13 + $500 in BTC + $500 in HOPR”.
  • Activate free referal promotion in Gleam .
  • buy some not expensive promotions (TG channels)
  • try to make live streems, AMA sesions on YT, TG about HOPR it’s ecosystem and plans. (if you can find inexpensive ways). Tell about contests in streems.
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I think use that money for advertising activities, good projects that too few people know about

Interesting idea

Thank you for the proposal, @DimaK! I’ve marked this one as incomplete for now, as it doesn’t quite meet our validity requirements seen here: UPDATED: PROPOSALS: Making proposals, validity rules and template

Maybe flesh out your interesting idea of marketing to non-crypto people a bit more with examples or more direct contest ideas, and specify your reasoning a little more.

If you have any questions, @thewanderingeditor and I are always around.

Why involve ordinary people in Hopr?
I don’t quite understand, they won’t bring a lot of usefulness for sure, but the lead (the drive of a new person) will be very expensive!

I have updated my proposal with more details.

It’s an interesting idea, and people might come.
But isn’t that far from the purpose of this discussion?
Isn’t it just what you want?

Это предложение направлено просто на раздачу активов. такой метод не привлечет большого количества комьюнити. Они возьмут средства и в стакан. но может скажут спасибо . Надо делать упор на качество мероприятий и уходить совсем в другую тему. Например не вложить деньги в людей, а в хорошее доброе дело. Выбрать себе подопечных из братьев наших меньших. Например какой то приют, в любом городе, стране и отчислять часть средств на его содержание . Что это дает ? Это дает огромный информационный резерв и использование этой локации для расширения имиджа нашей Монеты . Разместить логотип Хопр на здании , вести прямые эфиры, продавать за монеты по всему миру какие то сувениры. Сделать бренд на хорошем деле. Подписать информационную поддержку из средств массовой информации и уже на основе этого проекта провести массовые мероприятия с комьюнити. не обязательно собачий приют. Можно взять что то с прыжками, ферма кенгуру, или лягушек каких то редких. Да все что угодно) Были бы деньги, куда потратить всегда можно найти, главное это сделать с умом .