HOP 5: Moscow (55.8 N, 45.6 E) [SOLVED!]

knight black square h6

I think it should be Black 4C

It should be black b8

It could be Black D3

Black A6 might be an option

g6 already has a pawn on it…

Perhaps it’s better to imagine it that there’s a knight currently on the board, but it’s invisible. Where is it, and what colour is it?

1-B white)) I think)) failed on 5-B)

white knight d6 is the position

h4 white horse …

Black knight on h2 =)

knight black square h3

white on g3!.. :)

Black 4 F :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

oh, i got it, black a6

white 8f. . . . bcnejdhhdje

white h7…

my answer is white H7

white e7 :slightly_smiling_face:

white f3 white f3 white f3

It should be Black H6