Proposal: Keep it simple and invest in the future

Similar idea by user @iicc .

Liquidity should be distributed among the top exchanges. Ethereum still being at the top would hold the most liquidity for now but in future would use the capital invested to be spread amongst new exchanges that promote lower gas fees.

The idea being that new exchanges are popping up all the time, having capital set aside to quickly invest would not only promote HOPR but would also open the way for new investors, especially the ones who can’t afford large gas fees.

  • Ethereum Uniswap v2 40% in the HOPR-DAI pair . After the HOPR Farm ends, move all the Uniswap liquidity to Uniswap v3.

The fee tier would be the recommended standard of 0.3%.
Price range infinite. (Reading through the Validity Requirements there seems to be no real benefit from limiting the price range.)

20% would be permanent liquidity in the UNI pools and the further 20% would later be invested into new exchanges or even used as a scholarship for upcoming platforms that would like to use HOPR.

  • xDAI Honeyswap 30% in the HOPR-xDAI pair . Since HOPR nodes run on the xDAI chain, sounds logical to have plenty of liquidity there

  • BSC Pancakeswap 30% in the HOPR-DAI pair . With its massive user base, many new people will discover HOPR. HOPR-BUSD may be an alternative but I believe there is enough DAI liquidity so HOPR DAO can avoid swapping DAI to BUSD.

Again thanks user @iicc for the general idea. I have simply added further investment opportunities to the original proposal.


Hi @Lukey

If you’d like to continue with this proposal, can you add some details about Uni v3? More info here: Uni V3 Validity requirements

New exchanges should appear - I agree with this, but also these exchanges should be reliable and have volumes. If there are no volumes, then it can play a bad thing …

Hi @thewanderingeditor,

I’m trying to edit my proposal but it won’t allow me. I’m clicking the pencil icon and it only allows me to review.

The fee tier would be the recommended standard of 0.3%.
Price range infinite. (Reading through the Validity Requirements there seems to be no real benefit from limiting the price range.)

Hi @lesnik_utsa,

You’re completely right and that’s why its important that the DAO votes on legitimate proposals put forward. TVL (Total Value Locked) is generally a great place to start when reviewing new exchanges and good indicator of community/investor support.

Exciting time to be in the DAO as I’m sure it will become more active managing smaller and more regular proposals in the future.