Binance Dex

Transfer part of the liquidity to Binance Dex. Main advantage, low commissions on the network.
Hopr will get closer to Binance.
In case of high trading volumes on Binance Dex, there is a chance for Hopr to be listed on the centralized Binance exchange. It will be a big hit for the Hopr!


Low commissions is a great advantage of Binance DEX!

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Low commissions are very important, especially for people who invest in small amount.

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Agree, Binance DEX is good idea. It seems ETH commissions will be only bigger.

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We should not only stick to one dex. We should diversify so that the risk is mitigated in cases if a dex crashes or closes down.

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I think that someday the commissions in the Ethereum network will stabilize. Most likely, this will happen after the transition to Proof of Stake.

But you can already see that Bsc Chain is becoming more and more popular and the possibilities on the web will expand.


Diversification the main strategy of an investor in the cryptocurrency market and the stock exchange. Therefore, transfer only offers some liquidity

It is a DEX on the BSC chain, not a binance dex!

why not Binance Dex ?

Totally agree with BSC DEX, lower commissions will give more usage of tokens, for example stake in pancakeswap and so on.

Придерживаюсь мнения адекватного комьюнити. Поддержу любые предложения, если они не будут вредить проекту и будут действовать во благо)

Do you mean the old Binance DEX? It seems almost dead

No one uses Binance DEX.
Why do you need it if we got Pancake swap? :slight_smile:

Согласен, децентрализация и полагается на то, что большинством будет принято самое адекватное и полезное для сообщества решение.
Конечно бывают исключения, не без этого, особенно когда сообщество не многочисленное и на начальном этапе своего развития.
Поэтому нужно подходить осторожно к каждому вопросу, предлагаемому командой для обсуждения, что бы в случае неправильно принятого решения ущерб был минимальный.

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do not use? trading volume nearly four million dollars

trading volume nearly four million dollars.

Tell me, in the case of BSC, are the low fees not the result of a small decentralization of the network? And is it worth considering ETH in the form in which it is now before moving to v2))

I think it is a good offer, it should be evaluated

I don’t really know why but quite a few of traders dislike BSC.

I propose to transfer only part of the liquidity to the Bsc.
It is not known when ethereum will leave proof of work. Mat take years