HOP ON BOARD – The next Chapter for HOPR

The next chapter of the HOPR journey starts here :yellow_circle:

While we can’t disclose every detail today (or rule anything out the community mentioned :eyes:), we invite you here to :bullettrain_side: HOP on Board :bullettrain_side:!

Over the coming 15 weeks, we are going to greatly expand the HOPR ecosystem. :busts_in_silhouette: Each week from now until April, the HOPR train will pull into a new destination with a brand-new event. :bullettrain_side:

From the release of a secret HOPR dApp :eyes:, to a new staking opportunity, real-world use cases and multiple major hackathons, we’ll have so much to share with you. :yellow_circle:

But wait, there’s more. :eyes: Each milestone we hit, the network will grow, and so will the rewards

It’s going to be an amazing journey, so Hop on Board with us as we buidl, stake, test, govern, and scale to new heights! #HopOnBoard


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I can’t wait, very much looking forward to it!

I hope there are very many apps available!!!

I am so happy to have found this project in such an early stage for me. Thank you hopr team for receiving my 1st nft for participating in the surveys.


A great journey ahead ! Don’t want to miss the departure :slight_smile:

Hi Team, I am following the HOP on Board since the departure and prior departure but I see the weeks passing and If I may, it is not very clear or understandable on what or how we can contribute or participate each week. I am also following twitter but it is like a treasure hunt to find out. On the journey map, do you intend to have clickable links?
for example on W4 you mention Matterhorn Public Testnet, I could not find out how to participate to the testnet…
Thanks :slight_smile:

Is this program still active?