Hi everyone! Just a quick heads up that Phase 2 will start at 2pm CET on Friday 21st.
At that point, it will be impossible to make new proposals (or edit existing ones).
There is also a support threshold for proposals to reach the next stage, of 3% of active users. At the moment that means proposals need 5 signatures (likes) to reach the next stage. Bear in mind that this figure could grow if more people participate.
If you haven’t given support to all the proposals you like yet, please do so here: Proposals - HOPR Community Forum
I’ll be working as fast as possible to approve any remaining pending proposals and to help people with incomplete proposals who would like to make them valid. Hopefully we’ll hear back from our queries to Avalanche soon, so we can get some clarity on validity there.
We’ll be pushing this process more in Telegram and on Twitter, so hopefully proposals which became valid late in the day won’t be at too much of a disadvantage.