Well, this is a DAO, and this is a chance to make our opinions heard. I am both a staker as well as a node runner. I am totally fine getting some of my incentives as DAI while my xHOPR and wxHOPR increase in quantity and value . I would be happier if some of that DAI is also put towards building the use cases. This two-pronged approach would ensure the token appreciates in value, and everybody is happy
On a side note, incentivizing node runners and stakers can happen through multiple forms, not just through a drop of DAI. For example, it could be through diving some balancer HOPR/DAI LP tokens, or something similar with uniswap or sushiswap or honeyswap (some of this is in the hopr proposals also).
Yes that would definitely be a bad thing, but maybe there is a solution for this. I don’t have the solution , but if someone does I think that would be something really important.
I really like the idea I can’t wait for the next step
Yeah, that would be a catastropy ;-P
And yes, a topic decentralized processes definitely have to tackle in the future!
Thanks a lot!
I tried to formulate/create a scenario which will reward early token holders mid- to longterm way more (HOPR’s one and only key to success is adoption) than shortterm immediate benefits like burns, buybacks, additional distributions etc.
Thanks for the active participation here - amazing to see
Just highlighting that we (HOPR Association) also think this is an important thing to do. We have thus prepared a proposal in the HOPR category here: PROPOSAL 2: Hackathons (live or online) in 2022
From some past experience of talking to hackathon organizers (although I think OP is suggesting to do a dedicated HOPR-only hackathon) we can already tell that normally hackathons charge a fee in DAI plus prize distributions in tokens such as HOPR. So these two proposals could nicely work together.
I guess joining an online hackathon such as the ones organized by the Gitcoin folks or Eth Global would help us reach even more people and spread the word more effectively. But such hackathons do charge a fee in DAI (amount varies hugely but anything that is to be distributed here is good money for a hackathon).
Good idea
Hey Sebastian!
Of course I have already seen the proposal by the HOPR association aiming at a similar direction! :-)
I am not too familiar with the organization of hackathons, but aren’t they always rather limited in time + somehow related to a certain topic (I might be wrong here)?
In this context, my proposal could be rephrased as a temporally expanded and thematically free hackathon! ;-)
The main work order for the code-willing community out there I had/have in mind is: AMAZE US → US = HOPR association + community.
So, to address an audience as big as possible, it might be a scenario worth considering to start with joining an organized Hackathon in the first place (DAI or HOPR/DAI). Then, after an initial amount of awareness is reached, a HOPR-only (not the token) event (–> AMAZE US) could follow!
I just checked the prizes of recent and ongoing hackathons on Gitcoin!
The amount of DAI and HOPR the DAO holds would definitely allow for a multi-phase hackathon concept!
I am somehow currently unable to edit my initial post, so some addendum here:
"- the HOPR team preselects an amount of X submissions "
→ important in the context of quality AND legality
→ obviously, there needs to be an initial filter concerning both aspects
** +++ BUDGET +++ **
- obviously spitballing in the current stage, since it depends on multiple aspects of the DAO as a whole, the IF and HOW of a multi-stage hackathon etc
- prizes for a post Hackathon creativity contest with the motto AMAZE US around HOPR could be organized such as:
total: 65K DAI → could be increased, but leaves enough capacity as of now for other proposals etc
1st: 25k
2nd: 15K
3rd: 10K
4th: 7.5K
5th: 5K
- such a thematically unbound event requires a set of to be fulfilled conditions/rules communicated a priori to make a possible submission eligible to be rewarded!
Intresting idea, definately worth adding to voting pool IMO.
Hi @Jones_05. I’ve marked this as incomplete for now. I do have some feedback but for now let’s try and sort out the editing issue.
Can you try and reedit your initial post with the addendum from below? I’ve changed some settings in the forum so hopefully you can edit it now.
It worked, great
Ah great. I’m still marking this as incomplete, even with the addendum, although it’s close to being valid.
In the procedure section, I’d like a bit more clarity on WHO is setting the various parameters. I appreciate that it’s important to remain flexible, so I think it’s fine to have things like “an amount of X submissions”, as long as it’s clear who is setting X.
Your updates have mostly clarified this, but your second point with the submission window is still undefined.
I included another update!
And no worries, iterations only increase quality! :-)
Sorry for chiming in a little late. Most Hackathons (ETH Global, Gitcoin, etc), are indeed mostly thematic but there’s frequently enough something suitable for HOPR. Also note that apart from the prize money, most hackathons have a fee for sponsors who pay the prizes. Depending on how much you’re willing to pay, you might even entirely define the theme of the hackathon. So with a sufficient budget we could most certainly do a “privacy hack” or alike on either of the bigger hackathons. For a smaller budget we might be able to team up with fellow projects and still get there jointly. I don’t have exact numbers at hand but I’m sure whatever we end up with something cool can be made happen!
Thanks for the updates, @Jones_05. I’ve now tagged this proposal as valid and added it to the official list here: http://forum.hoprnet.org/t/proposal-2-incentivized-creativity-contest-after-hopr-mainnet-network-launch-building-on-top-of-hopr/
Anyone who supports this proposal, please follow the link there and click the heart (like) button to sign it.
Hi Sebastian, no problem! :-)
Okay, so to put it in a nutshell, I guess it is fair to say that right now it is not possible to define a 100% sharp scenario due to internal (composition of the DAO results) and external (see your answer) factors.
However, this feels perfectly acceptable, since “the DAI vote will be considered advisory and non-binding”, anyways.
I guess the interpretation of a positive DAO vote concerning my proposal could be translated as follows → incentivize creative and free building on top of HOPR - no matter if in the context of an external event alongside thematically specified tasks, in the context of a dedicated event etc …
Thank you very much for the amazing approval and support guys!
Please make sure to also support the official version posted here:
Have a nice weekend! :-)
Good job mate! Amazing to see the proposal has been approved