[DAO Update 13th March] How to Fine-tune Your Proposals

Hi everyone. We’re around halfway through the discussion phase, and we’re seeing some great ideas and discussion. If your proposal is ready for moderation, please indicate this by adding [Proposal] to the title.

I’m now starting to moderate the proposals, which I’ll be doing in the following steps:

1] I’m proactively marking ideas as invalid, even if they haven’t been flagged for moderation by adding [Proposal] in the title. This should help direct people to the most promising areas of discussion, and add clarity to the topic by showing what kinds of ideas are

An invalid proposal isn’t necessarily a bad idea! The most common reasons for marking a proposal as invalid are:

  • The idea is designed to help the HOPR project in general, but doesn’t relate to the HOPR protocol itself. Most ideas about NFTs, staking, marketing, etc., will fall under this category.
  • The idea identifies a data privacy issue, but it isn’t one HOPR can help with. This is usually because the problem isn’t related to metadata.

If you need to learn more about what problems HOPR can help with, the HOPR Basics series is a good place to start. There are also some simple use case examples on the website.

Our D.E.R.P. tool and related material have also clarified the issue for many people (including among other projects, who are finally waking up to the problem and contacting us for help :laughing:).

2] I’ll be moderating posts with [Proposal] in their title. Remember, this is the only way to get your proposal flagged as pending, incomplete or valid. If you’re happy that you have a valid proposal, please update the title and I’ll look at it more closely. But don’t rush! There’s still three days left and no advantage to being early, unlike in previous experiments.

Please check out the Proposal Validity Guidelines listed here before flagging a proposal for moderation.

Thanks for everyone’s input so far!