Got gHOP? Check if your address is whitelisted

Hi everyone! José here, how’s it going?

We couldn’t be happier to hear your opinions on the best way to move forward on HOPR’s governance. As you all know, we are whitelisting our testnet users to allow participation of our Genesis DAO. In case you missed the announcement, make sure to take a look.

The gHOP token, a non-transferable token, will be our mechanism to achieve this. You can find our token in the xDAI Network, and using Blockscout’s “Read Contract” feature, you can query “balanceOf” and check whether your address was whitelisted or not. A friendlier URL can be found in, behind ENS and IPFS, for the sake of decentralization.

Thank you everyone for being part of this journey! Don’t hesitate to ping me, @SCBuergel or @Matthew if you have any questions.

Too bad for me.
Have my avado node all set up according to hoprnet dot org/setup but just came in a bit too late I think… never got my 0x…
address funded…

Sorry to hear that! AVADO users were able to participate in Titlis, but we understand this being not enough. It didn’t make into the copy of the DAO announcement, but we will be funding the first 100 HOPR PC node users on mainnet. We’ll provide more information in the future, but rest assured that our first HOPR PC nodes are not forgotten :pray:t3:


I’ve invested on the Avado Hopr branded node. It says inside the box that I am part of the First100. I am all set… really hope to not be forgotten… :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi! Now that the sale is done on Xday (for the DAO members), any news for first Hopr nodes that did not have a chance to participate on the testnet? :crossed_fingers:

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thanks so much =)