Hey Andrew!
“Read access to logfile from UI” - Ease of access. Logfile could be viewed from command line or pulled off the node (VPS) but having it viewable in the UI is likely easier on the end user.
“Read access to dbschema from UI.” - If allowing queries against the db is possible, having the dbschema available would be helpful but does not really need to be viewable from the UI.
“Simple UI for read only queries to the db.” - troubleshooting issues, monitoring health of a queue, getting counts and statuses for transactions going through the system.
Side Note: I have a node running on an raspberry pi which is not connected to a battery backup power source.(yet) I had a power flicker causing the rPi to reboot itself. After this, hoprd would not start properly. From viewing logfile data, it appeared a transaction was hung in a pending status, and this was preventing hoprd from starting. Since the node was not funded yet, I took the easy route and after confirming with Juri on telegram, decided to just wipe it and reinstall with a new version of hoprd.(where a potential issue may have already been fixed) Had this been a funded node, wipe/reinstall may not have been a reasonable solution for fear of loss of funds. I would need to familiarize myself with how you are queuing transactions but I suspect the hung transaction could have been an easy fix by simply updating a status or something in the database. Main take away, there will be nodes running in the field that have issues and some of those nodes could be funded with tens of thousands of HOPR. There should be good troubleshooting tools available. Also, in case of a catastrophic failure such as a lightening strike that completely fries a node, there should be documentation about how to withdraw from and/or migrate an existing wallet address even when the corresponding node is not functional.
Current cost per transaction.(in HOPR and/or USD) - about which transaction you are talking about? gas costs? - I was referring to how much HOPR an end user would pay to send his/her message through the HOPR protocol but if gas fee information is available this could be useful too. At the end of the day, I just want clear information about how my nodes are preforming and want some peace of mind that my node funding will be safe, secure, and recoverable.