PROPOSAL 1: Live conferences in 2022

One of the most important ways to show off the HOPR project and get the word out to investors and influencers is to attend crypto conferences and showcase our protocol. Our recent visit to EthCC 4 in Paris is a great example: we gave several well-received talks about HOPR, forged great connections with other projects, and generated significant interest from new investors.

However, we think we can leverage our attendance of these events better: this proposal would be used to fund promotions in and around upcoming conferences such as Devcon, ETHDenver, or similar depending on budget and availability.

IMPORTANT: This proposal is only to fund promotions, giveaways, or opportunities for partial payment in HOPR tokens. It is NOT a proposal to use HOPR tokens to fully pay for event attendance or sponsorship. The HOPR Association would encourage a separate proposal to supplement this using the DAI portion of the budget.


I think this important for increased visibility - key in this space. However, you have to have something to showcase. So, this is virtually meaningless if there isn’t significant attention paid to development of the ecosystem, use cases, and advertising all this through diverse means, including these conferences. So, I am for it, but I think it needs to build on other activities.

How popular now Live conferences ?
Maybe much more effective to make 5 online conferences,
YT streams on popular YT chanels for the same costs…

I think it’s problematic because all the participants are all over the world and it’s impossible to gather so many people in one place

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Just to clarify: the proposal here is to attend existing live conferences, not to hold one of our own

The pandemic has affected the conference scene considerably, but it’s still going on. As noted in the proposal, HOPR Association attended EthCC 4 in Paris in July, with much success. The conference itself was sold out.


Live conferences, if they happen these days, are even more popular than before. Especially the ones around ETH are highly appreciated.
Connections with “strangers”, complex discussions, etc … are live much easier and more efficient.

Great idea that invites more companies to work with Hoper, something that we need most.

I think at this time in HOPR development, as much marketing as possible is important, and the industry events like DevCon are where HOPR can meet people and companies that can actually use the layer 0 protocol in their messaging projects and the like. I think this is wise. I dont know what level of industry contacts HOPR execs have to do deals like this without this kind of presence, so I would vote for this to happen, as one part of a complete exposure strategy.

We must attend all such conferences :dart:

I think marketing is very important. But also I think it should be mostly on social media where typical crypto users correspond like Reddit, Discord and Twitter. Live events (physical or online) are mostly for developers and backend users, not that it is not important, but maybe not effective as everyday user which is the bigger proportion of all around users in crypto space.

I would fully support this proposal if there are real world use-cases with corresponding dapps that have already been developed, fully tested, and truly represent HOPR’s core values. Attending conferences would be useful for many reasons but with a battle-tested product in hand, conferences would be much more productive.

Agreed, and I guess the team is doing so, too. It is always beneficial to be able to talk about an actual product instead of promises, vaporware etc