PROPOSAL 4: Token Payout Plan for HOPR Team

[This proposal comes from @Lukey. You can see and discuss the original proposal here: Dai Proposal: Token Payout Plan for HOPR Team

If you would like to support this proposal, please sign it by clicking the heart (like) button under this post you’re reading now.]


As HOPR is progressing at a great rate and the current team is working well together it is important to avoid any disturbances in current business operations. A well-earned incentive would see staff rewarded for their current efforts and a lock-up period would implore staff to stay with HOPR for longer periods.

The TPP allows the HOPR team to be paid in Dai accumulated from the LP fees.


The TPP will incentivize new and old staff members to remain with HOPR for longer periods of time. Stability and long term commitment from the team will ensure that the roadmap is on track and that all deadlines are met on time.


  • For tokens to be issued under the TPP, the tokens are held under a 1-year lock-up period in a smart contract (like the current staking one) during which time they cannot be traded.

(Potentially when staking is moved to node running, HOPR can keep the current staking UI to lock employees’ tokens.)

  • The tokens would be evenly allocated to team members for a fair distribution after each lock-up period.
  • New Employees would need to be with HOPR for a minimum 3 months to be eligible for the TPP.
  • The TPP will be reviewed annually by the DOA, generally in September of each year, and may be increased or decreased as a result.
  • The TPP should not be looked at as a regular source of income or bonus for staff, more as a reward given by the DAO. Upon review in September each year the DAO could decide to allocate the funds elsewhere that may benefit the DAO or HOPR.


100% of the Dai accumulated from the LP fees would be used to pay employees through the TPP.

Every 6 months employees will have their equal share from the fees gathered put into the TPP staking UI. Which would then be released into their addresses after the 1 year lock-up is complete.