Distribute liquidity evenly between Balancer V2 and Uniswap paired with a stable coin, for continuity, DAI.
Balancer V2 (50/50) - DAI/HOPR
Balancer swaps offsetting gas fees with BAL pay-out. ETH Gas fees are an issue, a Balancer pool would help to solve this.
Uniswap (50/50) - DAI/HOPR
Logical choice for providing liquidity.
In summary, Balancer v2 liquidity pools provide significant gas efficiency and default BAL LP mining rewards provide less need for HOPR for liquidity mining.
I have a separate post on balancer v2. One of the biggest advantages of balancer is that pools don’t need to be 50/50. I recommend a 75:25 HOPR:dai balancer pool on my singular post. Aave uses a 80:20 aave:dai pool for their safety module.
What do you think about 75:25 HOPR/dai?
@Romas USDT to DAI swaps are trivial and basically lossless on curve (for ex. crv.to swap interface)
Yes. This is where the problems begin, since in my opinion Uniswap v3 is more about trading and guessing (assigned range of liquidity = exchange orders). Trying to play on the coin rate may not lead to good. I don’t think you should transfer half of your liquidity to such a risk. Uniswap is needed, but definitely not 50%.