Proposal: Support strong holders and node runners by HOPE hardware device free distribution!

I like this one. The premise is simple, more nodes, better for the future of the project.

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Right, but itā€™s the best solution from many options. If you have some ideas (not only critics) - you are welcome to propose them.

The price of token. They more invest and risk with their money.

So you agree that it is not inclusive, but you still claim that it is the best solution? Isnā€™t that a contradiction in itself?
So I would draw the conclusion: letā€™s agree to disagree!

And the second one ā€“ uff, words fail me, I guess/hope you are just making fun of me.
Thatā€™s the SEC/wall street kind of attitude ā†’ bail out banks in an emergency case, but let retail get f***ed hard.

So far HOPR support node runners, they even was giving away 500 HOPR just for buying a node. So some sort of cashback could be useful in future but need to be sure the people will run a node for some time before can claim a reward.

Is this a current thing or a proposal? Do they actually give away HOPR for buying a node?

Hi @svd. Thanks for the proposal. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ve tagged it as invalid for now. To make it valid, Iā€™d need to see more details to meet the validity criteria outlined in this post:

Feel free to use the template there if it would help. @jayveq and I are also around to answer any questions.

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@thewanderingeditor I fix my proposal. Is it ok now?

Hi @svd Thanks for the updates. I donā€™t think itā€™s valid yet, but I think itā€™s now clearer what the issues are. Iā€™m going to change the tag to incomplete.

Some questions to help make this valid:

  • What do you mean by ā€œAfter then we select TOP ā€œNā€ (or smaller/bigger) ordered first by Hopr NFT for stacking (Diamond, Gold, Silver) and, after then, by Hopr token count in Hopr stacking.ā€

My interpretation of that is that you want to order the distribution based on three criteria, in order of priority:

  1. Did they sign up via the form?
  2. If yes to 1), then use a metric based on NFTs
  3. If 2) is tied(?) use a metric based on HOPR stake

Is that right?

  1. and 3) are clear, but 2) seems uncertain to me. Can you elaborate on what youā€™re suggesting here? I can see how this matches with other parts of your proposal (for example, I agree that people with more NFTs are more likely to be active participants than whales) but I donā€™t think itā€™s quite clear enough for this to be a valid proposal yet.
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Hi @thewanderingeditor .

  1. Yes, they sign via the form.

  2. Yes, based on NFTs.
    My metric is very simple. We have NFT HODLER (Four ranks, 2.5% ā€” 10% Boost). We use only this type of NFT for ordering.

  3. Yes, if NFT is equals, then HOPR Stake.

SQL syntax:
select TOP N from registered_users
where (NFT is not null && TOKENS is not null)

Where NFT is HODLER NFT percents (10%, 7.5%, 5%, 2.5%) and TOKENS is Hopr token amount in stack.


I want to stress my concerns one more time that this is non-inclusive and thus unfair.

Thanks @svd. I think thatā€™s now clear and this is a valid proposal. You can see it in the official list here:

Anyone who supports this proposal, please follow the link and sign the proposal by clicking the heart (like) button.


With my moderatorā€™s hat on, I feel this is a valid proposal and should go onto the official list. With my team memberā€™s hat on, I agree with @Jones_05 that this isnā€™t a particularly inclusive idea.

While increasing the number of hardware nodes out there feels like a worthy goal, I feel like HOPR holders are already likely to be running nodes, so all this is doing is replacing a perfectly good home of VPS node with a more expensive hardware one.

I also think there would be better NFT-based metrics for assigning nodes than the HODLR NFTs alone, which is much more likely to correlate with whales. Even something as simple as ā€œmost NFTsā€ is more likely to reward active users.


@thewanderingeditor , thanks!

To @all

:warning: :warning: :warning:
NB! Please vote for this proposal again by click on heart (like) at the proposal page - PROPOSAL 10: Support strong holders and node runners through HOPR hardware device free distribution

Do no click only on heart at this page. Please go to official proposal page (link is above)! Otherwise we will lost your vote!
:warning: :warning: :warning:

:laughing: :+1: You may need a complex weighted criterion, for example order by A * NFT + B * TOKENS or something similar

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I donā€™t think this offer is fair. It will be unfair to those who have given money before. The $500 hardware price is not high for the Hopr investor. Anyone who really wants to be a node relay can do it with a vps. It makes more sense to use DAI to attract new investors rather than existing ones.

Good idea

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This propolas is fair, because Hopr already was supported old customers - HOPR joins in AVADOā€™s new NFT-based Rewards Program. They returned their money back.

Thank you! Please vote for this proposal at the proposal page -PROPOSAL 10: Support strong holders and node runners through HOPR hardware device free distribution Thank you in advance!

What you said is wrong. Only the first 300 Avado purchasers were awarded 500 Hopr tokens. That currently makes $125. However, $500 was paid. This was the rewards program. There is a promotional offer in the same way as the Hopr Token Proposal 3 (Grow the Hopr Hardware Node) prepared by the team. That would be fair. What you suggest is not fair. I think it should be spent on reaching new investors instead of giving away hardware nodes for free.

At that time it was ~$400.

Give 500 Hopr for hardware buyers - itā€™s fair. Give 500 DAI for hardware buyers - itā€™s not fair? Are you seriously? I thinks it is the same.

Itā€™s democracy. You always can create your own proposal :)