Proposal: Support strong holders and node runners by HOPE hardware device free distribution!

Giving 500 Hopr is not the same as spending 500 DAI and getting hardware nodes. It doesn’t matter if it’s worth $400 then. Do you think someone who buys an Avado is selling 500 Hopr? First, those who received the Avado Node were unaware of this award. It was announced long after they bought it. It was an airdrop. Think of it as a reward for those who trust the team and get hardware nodes. Secondly, this offer would be good for me too. I have been involved in the project from the very beginning. But it would still be unfair to those who give money. Of course this is my opinion. You can write whatever you want :wink:

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I think, yes. First investment rule - return your investment, if it is possible.

They can get the second device :wink:

:fist_left: Thank you for your opinion. Many people, many opinions. It’s normal :slight_smile:

I am opposed to your proposal.
It’s better if we manage to use these funds to expand and attract more people…


My proposal idea is totally different. It’s not advertising proposal. The main idea of my proposal expand hopr node chain and support node validators. But you can create your own proposal :innocent:

This is from the official ‘guideline’:

"Most importantly, only proposals which will grow the HOPR project and ecosystem in the medium to long-term will be considered.

Could you elaborate on how your proposal fulfills this requirement?

You already haven’t read the medium article about the DAO (see the telegram chat), this is why I provide you this piece of rather essential information.

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  1. Hopr admin:

I think that’s now clear and this is a valid proposal

I think it’s means, that my proposal is fulfills all requirements.

  1. I also had answered to this question above. More nodes, more security etc.

It was some day ago, and I admit my mistake. I didn’t read one topic about rules changing in HOPR proposals. But this is Dai proposal and this is not connected.

But I think, that you are at the wrong way:

  1. Every day you spend time to write something bad about my proposal without any suggestions. It’s not constructive. We need to discuss, but you didn’t continue your previous topic, didn’t propose any idea and didn’t answer for my questions. Unfortunately, you are only negative and critic :)
  2. I think it will be better if you used your energy to popularise your proposal neither calumniate other proposals :wink:

It is not my fail, that my proposal is the one of most populars in Hopr community. Many people like it and that means, that I’m at the right way :innocent:

In my opinion, to make HOPR popular, we need more marketing to convince people to run a node and support our network. I disagree with this proposal.

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I was sure that the moment ‘your proposal vs. my proposal’ will come. This is utter BS and just proves that your perspective is really limited. It is not about mine or yours, it is about WHAT SERVES THE HOPR ECOSYSTEM best.
Your proposal is however about: what serves a small group best.

If your approach would be honest, you would have suggested a randomized distribution, a lottery etc. And even then → the effective status quo of HOPR would not have changed.

Again, HOPR’s future success is based on ADOPTION, people building on it etc - and not based on giving free hardware to people who are already in the project.

And guess what – I don’t have any personal advantage if my proposal will be amongst the ones voted by the DAO. I am not so sure about you, though.

But again, Don Quixote vibes.

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I’m sorry, but I don’t tell anything about your proposal. It’s your imagine and it is 100% not VS :grin:
My text was about your strategy to write bad things sings about your concurrents. If you don’t agree - you can tell it once. It’s normal. But every day… :expressionless:

You are wrong. My proposal - how create secured blockchain. More nodes - more secure and stability for all. I’m sorry if you don’t understand this.

We will see it’s after voting.

You are not Don Quixote. You are troll :joy: you always change topic, get personal, now answering for questions and do not try to discuss.

I think, that my proposal will be the best marketing for node validators. Free harware node for old supporters and node runners - it is the best advertising in crypto world. Please think two ahead forward :ok_hand:

In this section, we only discuss how to spend Dai. I think your proposal should be divided into 2 and placed in different sections.

I like this idea. I bought my AVADO $1700 at first hear about HOPR from checko crypto. Since then I run hopr node with no that much gain. I hope thus proposal may help if it is accepted.