PROPOSAL: Notice and Complaint Dapp

Notice and Complaint Dapp.

•Citizens who will report and complain are hesitant or afraid to notify the departments of state institutions on matters they are sure or suspect, because they think that the confidentiality of their identity information cannot be protected.
•For this reason, ninety percent of the citizens do not complain or report.

•They may lack information about damages or bad events that all government agencies can prevent in advance.

•If governments want their citizens to help and make sacrifices in covert crimes and precedent matters, they must first consider the safety of their citizens. Because all kinds of information can be sold for money in official authorities. If you don’t want humans to be three monkeys, all you need is a 100 percent privacy-focused Dapp. The only answer to this need is the HOPR protocol.

•All countries have to develop Dapp for notification and complaint to all their institutions regarding both internal and external relations.
In this way, all kinds of issues that may pose a threat to the state, citizens, animals and all other living things are informed and prevented in advance.

•Thanks to the metadata privacy of the HOPR ecosystem, government agencies will develop such Dapps, citizens’ information will be fully protected and the world will be a safer place.

•There are such interfaces that governments use in their departments but there is no element of privacy or protection whatsoever. Government departments are always thought to be safe, but people are always afraid of being exposed. In other words, the main purpose is to reach and interact with these departments easily, but at the same time to keep our identity confidential.

•People can complain and report on matters that concern them, and this is their most natural right. But when it comes to issues that concern others or the state, they choose to remain unresponsive because they do not want to be disclosed. No matter how civilized and developed a country is, identities are somehow exposed.

Police Departments, Health Institutions, Finance Institutions, Municipalities, Social Insurance Institutions, Intelligence Agencies and all government ministries


so your proposal is that governments develop their dapps that connect with hopr somehow, or is hopr developing this dapp that should then connect to government agencies?

It is right question!

Ого какое сильное предложение и достойно внимания. Можно создать на hopr и предлагать как услугу АНОНИМНЫЙ ЯЩИК для госучереждений. Правда сложно будет работать с поступившими заявками . Непонятно как фильтровать и отсеивать ложь от правды

The world will never be a safer place

the safer the better

It can be examined and distinguished whether it is false or true. the important thing is to be able to say what if it’s real

My proposition is Dapps that citizens can trust and hide their identity. Since confidentiality cannot be ensured, most people are afraid to tell government units what they know or see. Dapps that will be developed by official institutions give confidence to the citizens and thanks to this trust, everything that is hidden will be revealed more easily.

Its an interesting proposition. From a privacy perspective HOPR could certainly help minimize the amount of data an agency could gather for incoming hints/reports. However, the whole use-case requires (1) cooperation with such an agency and (2) the agency must be willing to have access to less data for the sake of getting more reports.

I suspect this might not be the case for each and every agency, but only a subset, where the value proposition of hints/reports is high enough.

Thus, as is I don’t think an independent entity can implement the dApp on their own, which is the biggest blocker.

the logic is: For example, a company or a person defrauds the state or does things that endanger its security. I suspect or I am sure about this, but I am afraid to complain because I cannot be sure that my identity will be kept confidential. This is where Dapp comes in. I am making my report via Dapp and I am getting rid of this burden. The next research and investigation is entirely concerned with the units or institutions of the state. or if they want to contact you again, they need to reach you via Dapp.

I like your idea, I think it deserves attention

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I think it misunderstands where the government is coming from to think they wish to protect your privacy. They are worst threat to our privacy, we need hopr to protect us from them

It needs to be done to protect our privacy and to give us more confidence.

I’m marking this as incomplete, but I think it would only need a bit more information to be valid. I agree with @bot, but the validity requirements aren’t very precise on what counts as “feasible”. I’ve been interpreting this to mean “technically feasible” which this certainly is, and it also is a valid use of HOPR.

However, I think the practical point does stand. Maybe if you could update the last point to account for this, perhaps to include charities and NGOs?

There is already precedent for such tools existing with cooperation of governments. Admittedly, this is still likely to be a roadblock in places where this kind of service is most needed, but I think it’s a rather defeatist attitude to dismiss this entirely as a result.

There are such interfaces that governments use in their departments but there is no element of privacy or protection whatsoever. Government departments are always thought to be safe, but people are always afraid of being exposed. In other words, the main purpose is to reach and interact with these departments easily, but at the same time to keep our identity confidential.

Are my explanations sufficient for you?

It is the citizen’s responsibility to report and complain about an illegal issue. It is the responsibility of governments to investigate reports and verify their accuracy. Most importantly, citizens can remain anonymous while performing a humanitarian mission.

as I already posted in my private voting system uncompleted proposal, along with many other authors immersed in this topic, there are no way to implement somehow meeting all the desired requirements direct bonding between peasants (citizens) and government without CHIPPING their brains… All other implementations will not work.
But your proposal not so serious and may be is not so attracting a lot of money from criminals willing to fabricate it. But I do not see tech part of it as covering the problem.

This is where the Hopr protocol comes into play. To remain anonymous, the hopr privacy protocol must be used.
