First, some points in the comments/answer/questions posted are obvious, like:
What will the impact of pool size reduction (honestly?) or what will be the price of future rounds (future!1!!1).
Some points of my interest are however:
how much % will the HOPR Community Trust acquire, so what will be the pre-/post-money valuation of the deal → obsolete, just read it is a convertible
talking about future investments: does the Community trust have some dilution protection mechanisms like a pro rata right for possible future rounds?
where would these funds come form to participate in these rounds?
reading the ‘Rationale’, one task of the Hopr rise holding AG will be to support/fund future projects launching in the ecosystem. So the following question arises: how will the benefit the owners of the hopr rise holding AG, which could (in principle along my current understanding) in the future consist of the HOPR community trust in combination with classical VCs
→ one could argue of course that such a mechanism benefits the hopr ecosystem as a whole, which would then in the end somehow drive the price of the HOPR token as well → so the people behind the community trust (HOPR holders) would benefit
→ however, for VCs investing in the HOPR rise AG, this might not be sufficient. Or are these entities purchasing HOPR tokens alongside with investing in the HOPR rise AG as well? What is the incentivization scheme here?
→ or is it completely different in the sense of: the HOPR rise AG itself acts as some sort of VC: invests in ecosystem projects, acquires token allocations of these projects, sell them, buys back HOPR tokens, which are then distributed to owners of the HOPR rise holding AG?
So a lot of important information is still unclear and/or missing in this regard.
THat being said, I 200% back this proposal. Love these HOPR masterminds.
I believe that the indicated amount of financing is too large, the project is already in a difficult situation, the withdrawal of liquidity will lead to another decrease in the price. The team must work for the money received from the sale of tokens and then from manipulations
Looks like a sound proposal but to be honest I personally lack the legal understanding to grasp why it is needed and what true benefits this will bring. However all I can say is that by following the project for a long time I’ve come to trust the way it is directed, so this will be no different.
Edit: I am however a bit concerned about the reduction in pool size. How is that benefic? Wouldn’t that also possibly affect the price due to lower liquidity?
Since we received several questions on the exact mechanism of the Convertible and since we strive to be maximally transparent from the start, we decided to disclose the entire Convertible Loan Agreement here. You will specifically find relevant details in section 4.3 conversion:
On the Maturity Date, and subject to the condition that Borrower is not repaying the Loan amount as set out in section 4.2, the outstanding Loan amount mandatorily converts (Pflichtwandel) into common shares (or any other type of shares as determined by Borrower) of Borrower at the price per share paid by the investors participating in the financing round minus a discount of 50% (the “Conversion”). Regardless of the actual valuation, the total number of common shares resulting from the Conversion shall be at least 10% and maximum 24% of the share capital or voting rights of Borrower.
Thank you for providing additional information on the Convertible Loan Agreement, specifically section 4.3 regarding the conversion process. Your commitment to transparency is greatly appreciated and helps us better understand the proposal’s potential impact on the HOPR ecosystem.
A bit of humor, but as you can see, ChatGPT fully supports this proposal of the team, taking into account that the community continues to participate in the development of the project)
So far, all HOPR team has been very transparent about everything related to this matter and all the previous.
And this thread is another proof of it.
Thanks for sharing as many details as possible at this stage.
Just finished reading the Loan Agreement and I was thinking that since we have some more days ahead before voting, maybe we could do another Q&A session on Twitter?
I propose to do it a day before the voting, and just wrap all the main points and present them. I am sure that there are other members of the community that won’t be able to follow all the discussion here so I think it will be a good way to present it in a more “digestible” way?