Unscheduled HOP: Merch!

I would like to join the family!

I would really like to receive one of these packages :D

I want a hat! :slight_smile:

I am ready for that!

I want one too. Looks cool :)

Wow, this is very cool! Give me and my wife, we will walk in the park together in merch !!!

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I am a tester of your node, and I can become a tester of your merch !!! I want to!!!

Hello! I am in, team!)

Love it, I’m interested!

I love this - thankyou !

good, I am ineterested

Hi, I really want the hat and down jacket, I love your design! Even ready to buy, thanks =)
I think that every member of Genesis Dao should have such a hat! =)
And I can climb the Ural Mountains in your clothes and take a photo!

i need it too!!!YAhooo

Amazing idea) I need it, yep)

I want to get a hat and a jacket :))) it’s cold in Russia

I’m afraid we only ever had three jackets, for the founders. But we have plenty of the hats! We’re looking into creating a form so people can express their interest without sharing their personal info with anyone except the people in charge of sending out the merch



i would like your merch please

Hello, i really would like to have one HORPHAT :slight_smile: pls

I’m in too. Awesome!

Добрый вечер) Шапка , это круто! Я хочу шапочку!))